In a world that is wary of anything that stands on the side-lines, of hidden strategies, of religion (more than anything), it is time to rediscover the fundamental principle of the integration of the disciple and the church at the heart of the world.
In a culture that senses the interconnectedness of all things, we shall discover the opportunity to take our place in the social network, in the network of human relations and even to assume our responsibility for the transformation of human society and the whole of Creation.
This is certainly not in order to regain a dominant position at the centre of culture and attract the outsiders, but to get out of our box and serve the world by demonstrating the Good News of Jesus. It is time to reverse the dynamic of attraction towards that of incarnation; it is high time to pretend less and exhibit more.
(excerpt from 'Church Without Walls' by Eric Zander, chapter 6 'I Come to Walk in Your Shoes' - soon to be published in English)