If two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. (Mt. 18:19-20)
Before leaving his disciples, Jesus promised them that he himself would be with them every day. But here Jesus emphasises his special presence in the intimate gathering of two or three disciples "in his name", and even a distinct power in their concerted prayer. By emphasising this spiritual consensus of two or three disciples, Jesus makes reference to the Jewish tradition which established that "if two men sit together and as the Torah is read among them, the divine presence remains among them”. Jesus and his Word come to take the place of the Torah at the heart of the intimate gathering, and it is Jesus himself, Emmanuel, who is present.
There is a distinct power of profound transformation in intimate sharing between two or three disciples around the Word of Jesus...
(excerpt from 'Church Without Walls' by Eric Zander - soon to be published in English)