“We see a movement of integrated communities of followers of Jesus flourishing in Belgium.”
At VIANOVA, we love people. We want to go to them, to walk together for part of the journey. We want to live and grow as disciples of Jesus. We want to gather in communities that are alive, integrated in our immediate environment, reflecting our culture.
We dream of seeing a movement of integrated Communities of disciples of Jesus blossom in Belgium. We dream that those who are already disciples share their passion with others and accompany them in their faith journey. We dream of integrated Communities that initiate new ones, until we create a movement that shines with the Good News that is Jesus Christ.
VIANOVA will only meet these challenges as a team, and there is a place for everyone on this team. In the field, behind the scenes, in administrative support: we want to give everyone the space to blossom according to their own gifts and personality.
Joining the VIANOVA movement is simple and diversified. You can join our team or benefit from and/or promote our ressources, our training or our personalized coaching, or even become one of our partners!