“I am not asking you to take them out of the world, but to preserve them from evil. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Consecrate them with your truth! Your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. “
Jn 17:15-18
We are all citizens of the world, we are all part of one culture or another. Once we decide to walk with Jesus and let him guide our steps, we acquire a "second citizenship": we are both a citizen of the world in which we live and a citizen of the Kingdom of God, the reality in which God rules. Jesus becomes our model. Like Jesus, we find ways to engage fully with society, while walking hand in hand with God, discovering bit by bit His plans for the world.
VIANOVA dreams of exchange and sharing. Between disciples and Jesus, but also between disciples and their contemporaries. That the disciples would incarnate Jesus in the world, that they would go out to meet those around them, in their particular context. We want our faith to bear good fruit that benefits everyone (Jas 2:17). We want to live authentically in the heart of our culture, integrating it with respect, seeking to identify with our neighbors and understand their verbal and non-verbal language. Our fuel? Christ's love for the world projected through us.